Young Adult Student Profile
Young adults entering True North are often bright and talented individuals who may be struggling to find a sense of purpose or maintain consistent success in their lives. Young adults that are struggling, unmotivated, or acting-out may be lacking a sense of purpose and the confidence to work toward their goals. Experiencing the natural beauty and simplicity of the wilderness environment and engaging in adventure-based group expeditions, allows young adults to leave behind the distractions and complications of their lives before True North. Our students are able to focus on themselves and address personal struggles with the guidance and support of our caring, supportive staff.
Prior to the True North experience, young adults often demonstrated problems with school, family, and launching toward maturity and independence. Young adults often present with a history of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and many have experienced feelings of persistent failure in their lives.
At True North we identify maladaptive patterns of communication or behavior and then work to exhaust and replace those patterns with healthy coping skills and personal insight. Manipulative behaviors, rationalizing, blaming others and avoiding challenges are common patterns presented by students entering True North.
Avoidant behavior, suicidal ideation, self-harm, emotional disconnectedness, excessive use of electronics and experimentation with substances are examples of some of the ineffective means young adults use to communicate and fulfill their needs.
Young adults may struggle with asking for help and effectively communicating thoughts and feelings. Young adults who engaged in negative peer relationships and confrontational family relationships prior to True North have the opportunity to develop new and healthier relationships with key players in their lives.